Wolf: A Story of Hate is the true story of Zeev Sheinwald, who during World War II was a young Jewish man imprisoned in corporate-owned labor camps. (“Zeev” means wolf in Hebrew.) Later, he was sent to three concentration camps but managed to survive. He wrote the book in collaboration with his daughter, Ella Scheinwald, who also wrote the preface. The book received five out of five stars on Amazon.com.
Quote: “My first recollection was him sitting next to my bed and me asking him — maybe I was five — and he hated to tell me. He always said it’s too difficult, a little girl shouldn’t hear it, and I would beg him to tell me and he would tell me. He censored what he told me but I had the sense that it was my job to save him.”
— Ella Scheinwald
Sources: Amazon.com, TheExaminerNews.com
Read “Holocaust Survivor’s Daughter Recounts Father’s Story in New Book” >>
Watch “Author Talk: Wolf — A Story of Hate with Ella Scheinwald” [28:10] >>
Photo: Amsterdam Publishers
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