Douglas Murray, 44, is a British author and conservative political commentator. He founded the Centre for Social Cohesion in 2007, which became part of the Henry Jackson Society, where he was associate director from 2011 to 2018. He is currently an associate editor of the conservative British political and cultural magazine The Spectator.
Although not Jewish, Murray has emerged as one of today’s most visible, most articulate supporters of Israel, and one of the most outspoken critics of Hamas and the Palestine national movement. He is lionized today in the Jewish state.
— Wikipedia
Quote: “In Israel, you see strong borders as the best way to ensure peace, while in Europe, people see it as a cause of war.” | “ISIS may seem un-Islamic to President Obama, but to anybody who has read Islam’s core texts, it might appear to be a fairly straightforward attempt to create a state based on Mohammed’s instructions as laid down in the Koran, in hadith, and in Mohammed’s own example.” | “Compare this with the behavior of Hamas on October 7 [2023]. As those of us who have viewed the raw footage from the day have seen and heard for ourselves, these terrorists were not just pleased with what they were doing. They were elated. They spent the whole time screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ with delight. As they decapitated bodies and shot terrified civilians, they were grinning, congratulating each other and seeking acclaim from others.”
— BrainyQuote and Wikiquote
Learn more about Douglas Murray from Wikipedia. ►
Watch ” Douglas Murray Choose Life, Not the Death Cult” [23:25]. ►
Watch ” Israel Can’t Win | Real Time with Bill Maher” [2:15]. ►
Watch “Morally lost’: Douglas Murray on ‘ignorant kids’ at pro-Palestine protests at universities” [12:23]. ►
Watch ” Extinguish the whole thing’: Douglas Murray calls for Israel to ‘destroy’ Hamas” [17:57]. ►
Read “CCCCC” ►
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